More than 100 pathogens are associated with the house fly, including Salmonella, Staphylococcus, E. coli, and Shigella. These pathogens can cause disease in humans and animals, including typhoid fever, cholera, bacillary dysentery and hepatitis. Sanitation is critical to controlling these pests, but accurate identification is essential for successful fly control.
Here are some other things you should know about flies and fly control:
Depending on the species, the life expectancy of a fly is eight days to two months or, in some cases, up to a year.
Flies belong to the order Diptera, meaning two wings.
Flies plague every part of the world except the polar ice caps.
One pair of flies can produce more than 1 million offspring through their offsprings’ offspring in a matter of weeks.
Millions of microorganisms may flourish in a single fly’s gut, while a half-billion more swarm over its body and legs.
Flies spread diseases readily because they move quickly from rotting, disease-laden garbage and animal feces to exposed human foods, food preparation surfaces, kitchen machinery and utensils.
Because they only have two wings, flies land often and therefore can deposit thousands of bacteria each time they land.
There is no data to hand for the value of conaminated agricultural products in New Zealand – yet the U.S. Department of Agriculture sources reveal that flies contaminate or destroy US$10 billion worth of agricultural products annually.
Every time a fly lands, it sloughs off thousands of microbes. If a fly lands on food, food preparation surfaces, kitchen machinery and utensils, customers may ingest germs that can trigger serious illness such as diarrhea, food poisoning, meningitis and bloodstream infections. When flies feed on waste, they collect pathogens on their legs and mouths. These pathogens are then transferred to food on tables or counters when a fly lands again. Flies regurgitate on solid food then they eat the liquid. They are capable of transmitting disease when they vomit, groom themselves, or just walk on surfaces.
The best way to repel flies is through simple, preventive measures. Flies prefer warm temperatures and are most active from late spring to early autumn. In order to best repel flies during this time, limit access to your home as much as possible, keeping doors and windows closed. You may also choose to screen windows, doors and vents. Keep garbage cans clean and securely closed. Keeping surfaces clean will make your home less appealing to flies. For best results, contact a pest control professional to discuss extermination options.
The different types of flies we see as pests:
Domestic house fly. These come in a variety of sizes and colours.
Blue or Green Bottle or Blow Fly
Cluster fly. As the name suggests they are found in groups or clusters.
Fruit fly. Can be found in houses when fruit becomes over ripe. Common in bars and restaurants.
Moth fly or drain fly. Moth flies need nutrient rich water for their life cycle to work.
Why do I have them?
House flies are a seasonal pest. In the hotter months they increase in numbers and become a pest in homes and businesses.
Cluster flies appear in mass when you have a lot of earth worms in your garden. They move inside your house or business when the weather cools down. Once inside they lay down a pheromone resulting in clusters or groups of flies. Due to the cool temperatures they are docile and slow moving.
Fruit flies are often found in restaurants, cafes and bars. Their reproduction occurs inside pipes and drains and decaying fruit inside bins and boxes.
Moth and or Drain flies need a nutrient rich water for their life cycle to work. This is often a sign there is a drain and or sewerage blockage issue or a water trap issue that will need to be attended to.
How Propest protects you and your property from FLIES
It is recommended that anyone experiencing a fly infestation contact a Propest professional to arrange for a consultation. Propest is trained not only to address current infestations but also to prevent future infestations.
AIM - Our 360 degree Service Program
Regular Propest pest control treatments are necessary to keep pests out of your home or business. Most pest control products on the market are designed to last around a maximum of 45-60 days, and should be periodically reapplied in order to create a protective barrier around the exterior of your property. Also, pests can be extremely adaptive and resilient to pest control products and therefore require frequent applications to control a pest problem. We recommend treatment services between 1-3 months – depending on the nature of the invasive species in order to keep your property safe, secure and hygienic.
Propest follows a 360 degree pest program known as A.I.M.
ATTAIN Propest attains a comprehensive site survey.
IMPLEMENT Propest implements a service approach that meets your needs.
MANAGE Propest manages your continued protection.
By following this proven method Propest will communicate exactly what your needs are, we will employ the highest moral and ethical standards for treatments, and therefore we will not recommend anything our customers do not need.
The pest industry products used by Propest technicians here in New Zealand have undergone rigorous research, development and testing first at the manufacturer level, then at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and finally, in many cases through World Health Organisation and other international bodies. All Propest technicians have the required licences to handle these products and a wide range of regular training on their safe and appropriate use, is provided.
It is important to have an educated understanding of, and conservative respect for the pest control products that are applied in and around your home. In most cases, a person or pet should stay out the treated area until the pest control solution is dry. Propest recommends 2-4 hours stand down until it is safe to re-enter the property. The Propest pest control technician will provide you with a detailed service report that states the name of each product used, as well as where it was applied and when it is safe to re enter. If you ever have any questions about a specific product we used, please reach out to us so that labels and material data safety sheets can be provided.
A green or organic pest control treatment is any treatment that uses a naturally occurring, non-synthetically altered or enhanced pesticide. These products are usually botanical, and they have proven to be quite effective overall. However, they do sometimes lack the residual power of synthetic versions that have been created by scientists in laboratories.
Pesticides are chemicals that may be used to kill fungus, bacteria, insects, plant diseases, snails, slugs, or weeds among others. These chemicals can work by ingestion or by touch and death may occur immediately or over a long period of time.
Insecticides are a type of pesticide that is used to specifically target and kill insects. Some insecticides include snail bait, ant killer, and wasp killer.
Herbicides are used to kill undesirable plants or “weeds”. Some herbicides will kill all the plants they touch, while others are designed to target one species.